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 “Learn to be calm and you will always be happy.”

Paramahansa Yogananda

Welcome to the zen momma collective and thank you for being here! zen momma was born out of a desire to support you on your journey through zen wisdom, mindfulness practices and yoga. zen momma has been serving the Los Angeles area and beyond for more than a decade and we have a variety of offerings to support people of all ages.

Our offerings include yoga & mindfulness classes, mindfulness trainings for educators and zen parenting classes and coaching. Our passion is sharing practices and tools to help you tap into your joy, love yourself more and experience more peace in the moment to moments of your day.


“Pay attention and stay centered.

You carry the mantle of "Mother," the eternal principle of balance and stability.

When your children's energy is

scattered, be grounded. When

your children throw tantrums,

be still. Know what you stand for.

Be firm and consistent to teach your

children about boundaries. Thus you

will root them in health and release

their souls to limitlessness.” The Tao of Motherhood

Why mindfulness? Or as said by Denise Roy, “MOMfulness”.

Denise Roy’s “MOMfulness” embodies the nurturing aspect of mindfulness, which is a key element of our practice. Our mindfulness practice must include compassion and grace.

Mindfulness is the antidote to modern life. Through the practice of mindfulness we reduce stress and anxiety, learn to navigate our emotions with more ease and improve our overall well-being. We have all heard the old adage, “you cannot pour from an empty cup” - mindfulness fills our cup.

Everyone, including children, benefit from mindfulness. Mindfulness is a highly self-loving choice! Cultivating a mindfulness practice anchors us in the moment and helps us to truly be present with our life as it unfolds. Overtime we feel more joyful, peaceful and FREE!


“You have to find a mother inside yourself. We all do. Even if we already have a mother, we still have to find this part of ourselves inside.”― Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees

zen momma crash course ~ our signature offering

zen momma crash course + 1:1 zen momma coaching

"Loving yourself is going back to your source." Michiko J. Rolek

The zen momma crash course is a series of three 60 minute “love yourself first” coaching sessions based on the teachings and zen techniques I learned from my teacher, Michiko Rolek. The idea is to teach you to F.L.Y. - first love yourself, so that you can take the wisdom and tools and apply them to your daily life.

Together we will ~

*Establish a daily meditation practice you can stick to.

*Learn to shift from "chaos to calm" on the spot.

*Practice loving the ME in momME. Connection begins with loving yourself first.

*Reduce stress and anxiety

And so much more!

The next group class begins in January!




"Be the change you want to see in the world."

— Gandhi